Fall Treatment for Your Home A-1 Able Pest DoctorsAs the temperature decreases outside, more pests and bugs tend to make their way inside to find warmth and shelter just like us. Different types of bugs and pests come inside to damage your home and ruin your clothes and food. This article intends to inform you on actions you can take to protect the safety of your family and your home, by keeping pests and bugs outside and the best fall pest control treatment for your home.

Put All of Your Food into Storage Containers

Certain insects, bugs or rodents have a very strong sense of smell. By using storage containers, this will eliminate bugs that attract to small open crevices of pantry items such as an open chip bag. Anything that has a crevice small enough for a tiny bug to crawl into will give a pest or bug a new home to nest in. Storage containers do not allow pests of any size to infiltrate your food.

If you do happen to notice a surge of bugs in your kitchen or anywhere else in your home, trust the Miami Valley’s #1 pest control and elimination provider. We recommend receiving an interior treatment this fall. We have a one and done solution that will solve your pest or bug related problem within 48 hours. Our exterminators use a treatment with absolutely no residuals, that kills everything in one round for a pest free home, while also not harming the environment.

Seal Your Entry Points

Also, by sealing your entry points, this helps to keep bugs out of your home. Check all of your doors, windows, near your gutters, along your foundation, and even your roof; these easy access points for insects and rodents make it too easy for pests seeking a warm home. Let A-1 Able Pest Doctors show up to facilitate checking these for you.

Reduce Moisture

You can prepare your home for the fall, by making sure nothing in your home produces excess moisture or water. All living things need water, insects tend to come inside to find it. Pests and bugs find their way to leaky pipes, faucets or appliances. Other areas to check include your basement, ceiling leaks, gutters, or items in your yard that collect water.

Clear The Area Around Your Home

Firewood stacks, compost bins, and yard waste make good hiding places for bugs to come inside. Try to keep these far away from any entryway to your home. Any time you bring in firewood this winter, bugs often linger inside. We recommend shaking or brushing off these pieces before bringing them inside.

Winter is the prime time for pests to hibernate. Pest control spray treatments are best to complete in the fall months before climate reaches its all time low. Scheduling your pest control treatments this fall prevents bugs from coming in rather than having to exterminate the ones already inside. We want to make sure every day is pest free with a fall pest control treatment. Contact us about our pest control services for your business or home. Call to schedule an appointment or get a free inspection this fall!