“The Most Dangerous Animal on Earth is the Mosquito.” – Dr. Bobby Corrigan
Our mosquito prevention services
stop mosquitos in their tracks
Natural Mosquito Prevention Products Used
We use the best products that are safe for your family to be around but tough on mosquitos. A-1 Able Pest Doctors has developed products that are 100% natural. These products are safe for your family members, pets, butterflies, and bees. They are part of our eco-green products that are environmentally-friendly. They will only harm the mosquitos around your property.
Two Types of Mosquitos
Culex tarsalis
This is the encephalitis mosquito, carrier of the dreaded West Nile Virus Disease. It bites at dawn and dusk but it will also feed during night time.
Culex pipiens
The northern house mosquito breeds in water trapped in tree holes, tin cans, gutters, rain barrels and catch basins. This species is the carrier of St. Louis encephalitis and inflicts severe bites on humans.
Note: There are several other important species of Culex mosquitoes. Disease transmission occurs when a mosquito bites (feeds) on an infected bird or mammal and then feeds on a human. Only the adult female can bite as the male is a nectar feeder with mouthparts not made for puncturing. Our mosquito prevention services work to prevent and eliminate mosquitos from appearing on your property.

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When you sign up for A-1Able’s Mosquito Management Services.
Mosquito Biology
Mosquitos are commonly separated into 3 groups based on where and how their eggs are laid. After a blood meal, the female will lay her eggs in one of three ways, thus determining their classification.

One way a mosquito will lay eggs is singly on water. The egg will float and usually hatch within a few days.
An Anophele mosquito will lay eggs this way.
Another way a mosquito will lay eggs is in rafts on water. There 100+ eggs per raft and hatch within a few days.
The Culex mosquitos typically lay eggs this way.
Some mosquitos lay eggs is in semi-dry places. The eggs hatch when water rises and covers them, which can take years.
This is the way that Aedes mosquitos lay their eggs.
With water present, eggs hatch in a few days into larvae. All larvae live in water and go through 4 instars and 4 molts. Most larvae species take in air through a breathing tube. They float at an angle below the suface of the water to get air.
For other types of mosquitos, they have a spiracular plate that allows them to float parallel to the surface of the water to breathe.
Mosquitoes serve as vectors of many important diseases affecting humans including malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, filariasis, and encephalitis.
When you choose A-1 Able Pest Doctors from your mosquito prevention services, we treat your property to prevent and eliminate mosquitos.
Mosquito Bites vs. Bed Bug Bites
Mosquito Bites
Mosquito bites typically occur at dusk or at night as mosquitoes swarm. Spring and summer seasons are worst. Mosquito bites typically occur hours or days later. Redness and itching on and around bites is common. Swelling may occur as itching aggravates bite sites. Mosquitoes are carriers of Malaria, Yellow fever, Dengue fever, West Nile fever and other illnesses.
Bed Bug Bites
Bed bug bites create large wheels of bites made in orderly rows. Itching and skin redness on and around bite site are common. Localized swelling and the formation of blisters may occur. Occasionally, small losses of skin tissue occur. Bite wheels gradually are reduced to red marks which gradually fade over a few days. There’s no evidence that bed bugs carry diseases.
Call For Your Free Inspection
At A-1 Able Pest Doctors, we’re proud of the fact that our patients die. We offer a free inspection and no obligation estimate to eliminate and control pests in your home or office. Call for your inspection and estimate now!