Our Pest Control Guarantee
A-1 Able Pest Doctors
Our Pest Control Guarantee for General Pest Services
Pest Doctor Systems, Inc. guarantees that if you are not satisfied with the results of our prescribed service we will provide additional service during the first 30 days at no additional charge. Should your pest problem persist more than 30 days from the date of the last service we will refund or credit your account half of the original service payment if requested. Our service will then be rendered at half price until the specific pest problem is remedied.
NOTE: Alltra and TermiPest Programs provide separate and special guarantees.
The prescribed services may call for specific customer responsibilities involving sanitation and maintenance, as well as payment terms being met. These terms must be met to honor our guarantee to you.
Our Pest Control Guarantee for Subterranean Termite Services
Our basic lifetime renewanle and transferable service agreement allows for unlimited service reapplications if needed at no additional charge during the lifetime of the agreement. There is no “damages coverage.” All applicable fees must be current and paid in full or the Service Agreement is null and void.
Our guarantee for structure and content damage coverage for subterranean termite services is outlined on the specific written agreement for this service. Ask for the “damage coverage” agreement form.
Our Termipest total insect and subterranean termite service agreement provides for one full year of service on the initial service agreement period. Additional one year (service only) increments are offered each subsequent year. You may maintain the “service only” agreement for as many years as requested and paid for. The Termipest agreement may be written as a “damage coverage” agreement if specifically agreed upon by all parties to the agreement and appropriate fees are applied and paid for by the customer at the time of the service agreement signing and acceptance.
The prescribed services may call for specific customer responsibilities involving sanitation and maintenance as well as payment terms being met. These terms must be met to honor our guarantee to you.